Build a boat

Float a boat Champions!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Jeffrey's Awesome mario blog!!
Hi My name is Jeffrey! I am a grade 2. We are going to send our PenPal letters to another school. I LOVE WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention that I love video games and reading!!! Zoi is here beside me, she is Austin's sister!!! She says HELLOOOO!!!!! And Noah Liam's brother says HIGH FIVE!!!!!
Hi my name is Angus.Mario and Luigi are bros and they fight King Bowser.Bowser is the King of the bad guys.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
LIAM'S STORY AUBUT Math 3 Under The Sea!
Mr.Violo gave us a special game called math 3 under the sea. My
fish's name isWhy Why!He's AWESOME! Bye.
fish's name isWhy Why!He's AWESOME! Bye.
Nikos Chrismas blog
Yo my name is Niko and I'm looking forward to Christmas. I hope it comes fast. Christmas is my favourite holiday. I also like the snow. My birthday is very close, it is in January 6, 2003 I'm going to turn 8. I can't think of any thing else so bye.
my christmas blog
Hi my name is Emelia you might know me from my last blog that I created a long time ago so here we go with the blog! Are you exited about Christmas? I am! I am hoping for Indiana Jones 3 the movie.
Our teacher Mr.Violo is giving us work to finish, this is the last period for us to finish. We have a Christmas
concert to sing, our song is...I want a hippopotomas for Christmas!!!!
Well hope you enjoy our blog!!! Bye!
Our teacher Mr.Violo is giving us work to finish, this is the last period for us to finish. We have a Christmas
concert to sing, our song is...I want a hippopotomas for Christmas!!!!
Well hope you enjoy our blog!!! Bye!
My Christmas Blog.
Hi, my name is Rowan Grandy. I hope I get my Force Unleashed 2 game for Christmas. I go to my grandma and grandpa's house for Christmas eve, and they live in Lions Head, also they are going to have alot, and alot of snow. For Christmas I want an ipod, a remote control car, and other cool stuff. That is my blog. Ho ho ho merry Christmas!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Hi my name is Caston I have one goal in hockey! I'm having a great time.I can't wait till the concert BY CASTON ANTONIONI
Austin's Christmas blog!
Hi my name is Austin. I like Christmas and sleeping. HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Ho ho ho!! Call me Auzy!
Natalie's Holiday Blog
We are going to send our pen pal leters, I cannot wait for them to write back. We have to get alot of work off our backs this Christmas. I love Christmas I cannot wait for Christmas . I can hardly wait I have some Christmas lights up. It is a fun day today Christmas is almost here I am so happy! It is a fun day today I got all my work done, I needed to get done today. This is so much fun!!!
By Natalie.
By Natalie.
Tyler's Christmas blog
Hi!!! My name is Tyler. I'm SO exited for christmas! We are sending Pen Pal letters! We made snowflakes yesterday. We are running this months assembly. This months value is kindness and caring. This week's words are "ew" words. Warm regards, Tyler.
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